Agency Name | Santa Cruz Head Start |
Categories | Children/Youth,Disabilities,Education,Literacy |
Contact Name | Maria Rodriguez-Castillo |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | 225 Westridge Dr. Watsonville Ca 95076 |
Agency Phone | (831) 226 3468 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | M-F: 8-5pm |
Distance from Campus | Centers located all over Santa Cruz County |
Nearest Bus Lines | |
Mission Statement | Head Start has been improving the lives of low-income children and families in Santa Cruz County since 1965 through high-quality, comprehensive child development and family support services. Head Start supports school readiness and promotes healthy families through delivery of education, health and social services. |
Volunteer Duties | Head Start has been improving the lives of low-income children and families throughout Santa Cruz County. It supports school readiness and promotes healthy families through delivery of education, health, and social services. Provides opportunities to children ages 3-5 years with 3 ½ hour preschool classes. Classes are offered August through May, 4 days a week (Tuesday-Friday), morning and afternoons sessions are available. Focus is to prepare children for school success by implementing a developmentally appropriate active learning curriculum that: supports literacy and math skills, supports children’s home language, includes the "I am Moving, I am Learning" nutrition and physical activity curriculum, includes Second Step Social Emotional curriculum, and offers the Raising a Reader Lending Library Program. Additional volunteer needs include: - preparing daily activities, making posters, putting together homework packets, signs, etc. - Giving children assistance when they need it – encourage independence skills - Assisting children during meal time, circle time, outside play, field trips, etc. - Assisting children when brushing teeth and washing hands -Assisting children during circle time -Help children participate by encouraging children by listening, singing, answering questions, etc.. Classroom time commitment: Classroom times varies depending on the site, but we are very flexible for the volunteer. Some programs run Monday to Friday 8:15 to 2:15pm, others Tuesday to Friday morning and afternoon sessions. |
Notes | Updated 6/30/17 |