Agency Name Santa Cruz Head Start
Categories Children/Youth,Disabilities,Education,Literacy
Contact Name Maria Rodriguez-Castillo
Agency Email
Agency Address 225 Westridge Dr. Watsonville Ca 95076
Agency Phone (831) 226 3468
Web Address
Office Hours M-F: 8-5pm
Distance from Campus Centers located all over Santa Cruz County
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement Head Start has been improving the lives of low-income children and families in Santa Cruz County since 1965 through high-quality, comprehensive child development and family support services. Head Start supports school readiness and promotes healthy families through delivery of education, health and social services.
Volunteer Duties Head Start has been improving the lives of low-income children and families throughout Santa Cruz County. It supports school readiness and promotes healthy families through delivery of education, health, and social services. Provides opportunities to children ages 3-5 years with 3 ½ hour preschool classes. Classes are offered August through May, 4 days a week (Tuesday-Friday), morning and afternoons sessions are available. Focus is to prepare children for school success by implementing a developmentally appropriate active learning curriculum that: supports literacy and math skills, supports children’s home language, includes the "I am Moving, I am Learning" nutrition and physical activity curriculum, includes Second Step Social Emotional curriculum, and offers the Raising a Reader Lending Library Program. 

Additional volunteer needs include: 
- preparing daily activities, making posters, putting together homework packets, signs, etc. 
- Giving children assistance when they need it 
– encourage independence skills 
- Assisting children during meal time, circle time, outside play, field trips, etc. 
- Assisting children when brushing teeth and washing hands 
-Assisting children during circle time 
-Help children participate by encouraging children by listening, singing, answering questions, etc.. 

Classroom time commitment: Classroom times varies depending on the site, but we are very flexible for the volunteer. Some programs run Monday to Friday 8:15 to 2:15pm, others Tuesday to Friday morning and afternoon sessions.
Notes Updated 6/30/17